Global Economic Outlook 2016: The Global Economy in a Holding Pattern

Bart van Ark
Abdul Erumban
Gad Levanon, PhD
Ataman Ozyildirim
Andrew Polk
Jing Sima-Friedman
Klaas de Vries
Publication Date:
November 05, 2015
The global economy remains in a holding pattern, with weak productivity, slow growth of the global labor force, and slow investment growth working against a technology revolution that has already been slow to pay off. Mature economies remain constrained by deflationary pressures. Emerging markets will continue on their descending flight path—however many will still be growing faster than most mature economies. Explore our full portfolio of thought leadership on Global Economic Outlook 2016 here. How will the 2016 oulook affect economies around the world?
We project a modest improvement in the global economy growth rate to 2.8 percent in 2016, up from 2.5 percent in 2015. There are, of course, geographic variations, which we detail in eight regional sections. And there are still growth opportunities for investors, thanks to high liquidity and low interest rates.
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