Corporate Governance Handbook 2007: Legal Standards and Board Practices

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Publication Date:
July 06, 2007
If you are interested in purchasing a PDF of this report, please call Customer Service at 212-339-0345. In 2002, as part of its efforts to address declining confidence in business corporations and financial markets, The Conference Board launched a major Director/Senior Executive Roundtable Project and convened a Commission on Public Trust and Private Enterprise. In 2003, The Conference Board drew on the results of both of these efforts to create Corporate Governance Best Practices: A Blueprint for the Post-Enron Era. Corporate Governance Handbook 2007: Legal Standards and Board Practices, which builds on and updates this initial release, is intended to be an easy-to-use compendium of rapidly evolving laws and rules and the best practices adopted by leading companies. In compiling this report, the authors have made extensive use of both major public sources of data on corporate governance and insights gathered by The Conference Board Directors' Institute. Topics Covered
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