C-Suite Roundtables
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C-Suite Roundtables

High impact discussions held monthly under Chatham House Rule. Designed uniquely to help heads of finance and strategy expand their thinking as they develop strategies for their respective firms.

These member-only gatherings draw together senior executives from Fortune 500 Companies to discuss key business issues and macroeconomic trends having a direct impact on business performance. 

Who should join? Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend: To register for an upcoming Roundtable or inquire about your company’s membership status, please email the ESF Center at ESFCenter@conference-board.org.

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Deglobalization vs Diversification

September 19, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


What are you doing to manage supply chains, foreign labor forces, and global assets? Discuss how you balance diversification, resiliency, and best cost for your business.


Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

By Invitation Only



Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Leading Horizontally and Vertically?

October 17, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


High-performance leaders utilize both vertical and horizontal leadership skills, often while wearing “multiple hats” to build momentum. We will discuss best practices for simultaneously leading and influencing multiple organizations and initiatives, and how to avoid classic traps.


Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

By Invitation Only



Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Mark Leiter
Chief Digital Strategy Officer
The Boeing Company

Roundtables | In Person Meeting

Post Election Implications

November 12, 2024 03:30 PM ET - 05:30 PM ET | In Person Meeting


The aftermath of a presidential election presents businesses with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. This roundtable aims to provide a platform to share insights, discuss potential scenarios, and develop strategies to thrive in the new political landscape. By understanding the implications of emerging policies, attendees will gain a competitive edge and position their organizations for long-term success.

To be held in New York City in conjunction with the Strategy and CFO Councils of The Conference Board. The roundtable will be followed by a cocktail reception. 

Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers, Heads of Strategy, and Chief Operating Officers

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy/COO invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

Members, sign in to myTCBTM to register or create an account.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Outlook for 2025 and Beyond

December 12, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


What is top of mind for CFOs and Chief Strategy Officers heading into the new year? What is the economic outlook for 2025? What are the key upsides and downside risks to consider? Weigh in on these critical opportunities and challenges for your business?

Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

By Invitation Only



Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Cost of Doing Business

July 18, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


Share how wages, borrowing costs, input costs, energy transition, etc. are impacting your bottom line. Workshop best practices in minimizing costs to promote profitability.


Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

This is a past event.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Building a Workforce for the Future

June 27, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting



C-suite leaders face daunting challenges in 2024, including ongoing talent shortages. How can CFOs, Heads of Strategy and Chief Human Resources Officers partner to help their organizations and their employees thrive amid extensive change and disruption? Join your peers on June 27, 2-3pm Eastern for a C-suite Roundtable hosted by The Conference Board Economy, Strategy & Finance Center to discuss the following themes.

  • How labor shortages are impacting your business
  • How executives can partner to attract, retain and upskill talent in the finance and strategy functions
  • How to ensure that your workforce has the skills needed for today and the future

Who Should Join? Member Chief Financial Officers, Heads of Strategy, and Chief Human Resources Officers

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

This is a past event.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Diana Scott
US Human Capital Center Leader
The Conference Board

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Green Shoots

May 16, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


Is the global economic backdrop turning around? Discuss if you are seeing improvement in the business environment and what you plan to do to promote growth.

Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

This is a past event.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

John Gardner
Vice President, Public Policy
Committee for Economic Development, the public policy center of The Conference Board (CED)

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

AI Disruption: Pivot or Perish?

April 18, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


Share insights on how you are responding to the challenges and opportunities around advancements in AI. Additionally, how it may fundamentally transform your role, workplace, and how you do business.

Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

This is a past event.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Mark Leiter
Chief Digital Strategy Officer
The Boeing Company

Yvonne McGill
Chief Financial Officer
Dell Technologies


Are you Prepared for the Next Gray Swan?

March 21, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET


Gray Swans are low probability, high impact but identifiable events, having significant, business-altering implications if realized. Deep dive into The Conference Board Global Gray Swans tool. Discuss which events can potentially rattle your business and what it would take to remain prepared.

Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

This is a past event.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board

Roundtables | Virtual Meeting

Geopolitical Uncertainty

February 22, 2024 02:00 PM ET - 03:00 PM ET | Virtual Meeting


Multinational corporations are now active in at least 70 countries rated at “medium” to “extreme” risk, according to Control Risks Group, a London-based international business consultancy. What issues in the geopolitical landscape worry you the most? When a major conflict arises how do you incorporate this in your decision making? What role should CFOs and Chief Strategy Officers play in preparing the business? How do you envision the 2024 election impacting your business?

Who should join? ESF Center member Chief Financial Officers and Heads of Strategy

To Attend

Please use the Register button to receive direct links to each Roundtable.

Please contact Regine Medor at rmedor@tcb.org to learn more about getting your CFO/Head of Strategy invited to our C-suite Roundtable series.

Center Member Exclusive Program

This is a past event.


Dana M. Peterson
Chief Economist and Leader, Economy, Strategy & Finance Center
The Conference Board
