Innovation and Digital Transformation Briefs
Assad, Victor
How Silicon Valley Works…Ecosystems Breaking Traditions for Transformations
December 19 | Victor Assad, CEO, Victor Assad Strategic Human Resources Consulting | Comments (0)Despite not understanding how Silicon Valley works, hundreds of corporations have started Silicon Valley innovation labs because they know that digitization is rapidly changing everything, and their corporate cultures are too siloed, insular, slow to accept, slow to use, and slow to commercialize the innovation they desperately need to survive.
3 Ways Talent Executives Can Accelerate Innovation in 2018
April 09 | Victor Assad, CEO, Victor Assad Strategic Human Resources Consulting | Comments (0)Managing culture, embracing metrics and pursuing evolving technologies are among the top priorities talent leaders should focus on in the New Year.
Baum, Edgar
Goodwill vs. Intangible Assets — A Lesson Learnt from a Recent $15 Billion Write Down
May 17 | Edgar Baum, Founder & CEO, Avasta Incorporated | Comments (0)Goodwill on the balance sheet isn’t good enough. Until a better, more transparent accounting, or fair value method replaces goodwill, intangible assets will remain impossible to manage and unaccountable to shareholders. Not providing transparency will have consequences such as significant write-downs ($15 billion write-down for the acquisition of Kraft) of brands and restatements of financial reports.
Greco, Joan
Innovation Practitioner Insights: Alex Goryachev of Cisco on Seven Common Mistakes Companies Make Trying to Build a Culture of Innovation
November 07 | Joan Greco, Program Director, Innovation Master Class, Customer Experience Conference, and Women's Leadership Conference, The Conference Board | Comments (0)Alex Goryachev, Cisco System’s Director, Innovation Strategy and Programs, shares the most common mistakes he has seen at companies working to build a culture of innovation. The key concept tying together Goryachev’s observations: the need to focus on the people innovating, not the “innovations” themselves. Goryachev will be speaking at The Conference Board Innovation Master Class this December in Palo Alto.
Innovation Practitioner Insights: Maureen Rinkunas of DowDuPont on Creating a “Startup Culture”
October 01 | Joan Greco, Program Director, Innovation Master Class, Customer Experience Conference, and Women's Leadership Conference, The Conference Board | Comments (0)At the upcoming Innovation Master Class, taking place in Palo Alto December 6-7, 2018, Maureen Rinkunas, Innovation Systems Designer, Specialty Products Division at DowDuPont will be speaking on Thinking Like a Startup – Lessons from Accelerating 100+ Companies. She will be sharing insights gained from having coached over a hundred companies at a startup accelerator, and from bringing that startup thinking to DowDupont.
Gregory, Dr. James
Trust is the Tie that Binds Intangibles to Tangible Value: an interview with Barbara Brooks Kimmel
February 12 | Dr. James Gregory, Senior Fellow, The Conference Board | Comments (0)Trust is an important, but often neglected, intangible asset of the corporation. Trust is a value enhancer for corporate value, and conversely, a lack of trust can destroy market value in an instant.
Making Intangibles Tangible: Companies Must Rethink Value Creation Beyond Brands
December 06 | Dr. James Gregory, Senior Fellow, The Conference Board | Comments (0)I offer a Theory of Intangible Capital, a conceptual framework that includes brand as well as other internally grown unaccounted assets that don’t appear on the balance sheet but are reliable drivers of corporate value. Intangible capital is about understanding how intangible assets that you manage fit into the big picture of the total market value of the company.
Making Intangibles Tangible: Not Including Intangible Assets in Financial Statements Can Lead to Consequences
October 22 | Dr. James Gregory, Senior Fellow, The Conference Board | Comments (0)We need a new conceptual model that incorporates the idea that intangible assets directly connect to business strategy. That way, they can financially impact both revenue growth and shareholder value. After all, a company develops its brand to improve its bottom line because consumers prefer to purchase from companies they know and favor. The same holds true for investors who buy the stock of companies they know and trust.
Making Intangibles Tangible: The Benefits of Measuring Intangible Assets
September 26 | Dr. James Gregory, Senior Fellow, The Conference Board | Comments (0)There are certain basic concepts, such as intangible assets, that as a manager you should know well. Why? Because intangibles are meaningful and material to your business at many different levels, and yet you cannot rely on accounting to help manage them because intangibles are not on your company’s balance sheet unless they have been acquired.
Making Intangibles Tangible: Who is to Blame When Brands are Written Down?
September 11 | Dr. James Gregory, Senior Fellow, The Conference Board | Comments (0)It is time to rethink brand write downs and for all managers to see their real value. Building intangible capital models for evaluating the accretive value and potential of brands is a logical way to understand whether the investment requested for marketing is worthwhile.