Talent Management Tomorrow: Seeing Around the Corner to Meet Strategic Business Needs
- Authors:
Publication Date:
September 14, 2012
This Council Perspectives was authored in conjunction with the following councils of The Conference Board: This report assesses the current state of the function and then “peeks around the corner” to see what challenges lie ahead. It presents the discussions, concerns, and conclusions of those council members, all respected executives in the field tasked with getting the right people in the right seats at the right cost to ensure the future competitiveness and success of their organizations. Taking a medium- to long-term view of the profession, five to 10 years in the future, this report offers practitioners’ insights into key issues. At such a global inflection point, it is up to the talent management professional to help the business think more strategically—to push it and its leaders outside their comfort zone. The way to influence strategy and the future course of business success and sustainability, council members say, is through the talent management platform. There has never been a better time to take the lead.
There is a pressing need for the talent management function to project supply and demand for the long term across a global landscape and for jobs that, in many cases, are not even defined right now. As companies and company leaders increasingly face unfamiliar situations, it is the talent management function that should be providing solutions.
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