Balancing Strategic vs. Executional Demands – What’s a CMO to Do?
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Marketing & Communications Roundtables

Balancing Strategic vs. Executional Demands – What’s a CMO to Do?

October 31, 2024 12:30 PM ET - 01:15 PM ET | Virtual Meeting

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A Chief Marketer’s time is spread thin with day-to-day responsibilities like digital marketing, lead generation, brand building, and so on. This makes it challenging to dedicate time for much-needed strategy work, which can affect business growth and in turn cause CMO turnover. 

Marketing & Communications Center members are invited to talk about this topic with peers in a confidential, 45-minute virtual roundtable. Join us to discuss: 

  • How much of a struggle is it to juggle strategy work and daily tasks?
  • How do you resolve this challenge? 
  • To what extent is senior leadership aware of the CMO’s challenge?
  • What role does talent development play in freeing up your time? 

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Roundtables are discussions held under the Chatham House Rule for M&C Center Members and invited guests that focus on a key topic of interest with a single session (1-2 hours).

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