Corporate Controllers Council
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About the Council

The Corporate Controller is a pivotal position in the financial organization of any enterprise. The traditional role of the Corporate Controller has been to oversee the accuracy of a company's financial records, financial reporting, internal controls and compliance. Today's Corporate Controller has to exhibit a wide range of leadership skills such as communication skills, tech knowledge and the capability to lead a diverse financial team. Joining the Corporate Controllers Council will accelerate the learning process.


  • AI and the Corporate Controller
  • Operational Strategy
  • Organizational Design
  • Talent Management

Who Should Join?

Corporate Controllers of large organizations with annual sales of at least $1 billion

Interested in joining? Fill out a simple form to talk to a membership development team member.
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Peter (Pete) Quigney

Meet your Program Director

Peter (Pete) Quigney

Program Director, CFO Council, Corporate Controllers Council, Corporate Treasurers Council, Global Investor Relations Executives Council, Purchasing & Supply Leadership Council, and Supplier Diversity Leadership Council, The Conference Board

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Council Membership

Relationships with trusted peers in a unique environment of confidentiality—that's the core of the Council experience.

Corporate Controllers Council

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