Moran, Mike
Eight Years Later, What Did We Learn from Watson Winning Jeopardy?
January 16 | Mike Moran, Chief Product Officer, SoloSegment | Comments (0)Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen by some as a magic solution to every business problem, by others as ineffective. IBM’s computer Watson may have won “Jeopardy!” (magic!) but Watson made some ridiculous errors (ineffective!). The IBM computer didn’t understand puns or irony. Humans do. AI is neither magic nor ineffective; it’s a technology that can augment human judgment not replace it. Understanding the strengths and limits of AI helps companies to implement it wisely.
Is AI Coming for Your Job?
November 07 | Mike Moran, Chief Product Officer, SoloSegment | Comments (0)As artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged in the last three decades, the effect on employment has not matched the public's fears. AI will be one of the transformative technologies of the next decade, but it will not be the only technology transforming our world. Predicting AI’s effects in a vacuum won’t get us anywhere. Companies and their employees need to make sure they can execute on the opportunities presented by AI and other technologies. That’s how to avoid obsolescence.
How Did Marketers Let GDPR Happen?
June 28 | Mike Moran, Chief Product Officer, SoloSegment | Comments (0)I teach classes for the Rutgers Business School Executive Education, so I cross paths with savvy digital marketers on a constant basis. I have been asking them the same question for the last three years, “If people are really getting creeped out by the way marketers are sneaking around with their data, how come no one has started a business around data privacy?” And I never really got an answer that I understood. Not once.
Neill, Marlene
New Insights into Change Management Communication: Identifying Best Practices in Strategies & Messaging
September 04 | Marlene Neill | Comments (0)70% of corporate change initiatives fail—and the cause is often attributed to poor communication. To save their companies from becoming a statistic, it's up to communicators to advance a holistic strategy for ensuring employee understanding and buy-in. In-depth interviews with 32 internal communications executives reveal a vast and varied arsenal of potential techniques—from information guides and talking points, to employee ambassadors and challenge teams, to staff road trips and videos.
Paine, Katie
The ABCs of Managing and Surviving a Crisis
November 26 | Katie Paine, Founder and CEO, Paine Publishing | Comments (0)Is your brand ready to manage and survive an organizational crisis? Chances are your company will face a crisis soon, so be ready with some simple ABCs: Define your tipping point; Have a crisis plan; Monitor everything; Don't be dumb.
Don't Agree with Management On Communications Issues? You Are Not Alone
September 30 | Katie Paine, Founder and CEO, Paine Publishing | Comments (0)Why don't CEOs and communicators agree on the role and future of the function? The 2019 Global Communications Report from USC Annenberg School for Communications and Journalism highlights at least three disconnects between company leaders and the communicators who work for them: the purpose of communications, the point of communications, and how tech will contribute to the field.
RIP Ad Value Equivalency
June 14 | Katie Paine, Founder and CEO, Paine Publishing | Comments (0)Are you still using Ad Value Equivalency (AVEs) to measure the effectiveness of your PR? AVEs have been discredited and should never be used as a measure of anything, particularly not value. Here's why.
Four Quick Tips for Measuring Events and Experiential Marketing
November 14 | Katie Paine, Founder and CEO, Paine Publishing | Comments (0)Too many events and experiential marketing campaigns are conducted without measurement designed into them and funded from the beginning, leading to misunderstanding of results. Budget for measurement doesn't have to be expensive, but it does need to be included, because leadership will also want to know the cost effectiveness of your results.
A New Organizational Chart: Reinventing Communications for the Digital Age
April 26 | Katie Paine, Founder and CEO, Paine Publishing | Comments (0)Why is it that so many organizations isolate communications from customers, the people that ultimately make money for the organization? This has bugged me for years, and now it’s bugging CEOs as well. The Conference Board just released a great study called The C-Suite Challenge 2018: Reinventing the Organization for the Digital Age. There are some fascinating nuggets in there…
Parkinson, Alex
The Brutal Truth about Social Media, Influencers & Ad Agencies
October 17 | Alex Parkinson, Former Communications Institute Co-Leader, The Conference Board | Comments (0)Are ad agencies being fooled by online media and wasting big clients’ money? Bob Hoffman, Chief Aggravation Officer of Type A Group and a well-known industry disrupter, thinks so. He cites numerous scandals and revelations about corruption, fraud, and lies in the online advertising ecosystem as evidence. Join us for our October Marketing & Communications Center Chat webcast.